CRI ME Class Rating Instructor

The course CRI ME SPA - class rating instructor multi engine single pilot aircraft has the aim to qualify you as an instructor for multi engine airplane training.  Our experienced multi engine instructors convay to you the essential knowledge which you need to impart your acquired knowledge in multi engine flying in an airplane and in a simulator to your students.

The main focus of the CRI ME course is to delve into the procedures which are described in the multi engine training manual.

The orientation in the cockpit, the systems and single engine procedures as well as the standardization of the education procedures stand in the foreground of the practical training.

The training is made up of a theoretical (25h) and a practical part (5h) if you are already a flight instructor FI(A) according EASA-FCL.  Should you not be in the possession of a flight instructor authorisation FI(A), CRI(A) SE or TRI(A), a total of 50 hours theory and 10 hours practical training is required.  The subject area teaching and teaching behaviour must be completed additionally.


The CRI ME applicant must hold a PPL(A), CPL(A) or ATPL(A) and have a minimum of 500h flight experience as a pilot of airplanes as well as 30h PIC flying time on multi engine airplanes.

Course language : German or English

Theoretical training

The candidate for the training authorisation must receive a technical theoretical classroom education for flying multi engine airplanes in the extent of 25h so that the applicant can develop the ability to convay necessary knowledge and comprehension to a trainee pilot for the flight training of the multi engine course.  This part also contains the pre flight briefings for the flight exercises.

25 hours education in the following fields incl. 9 hours briefing of the flight exercises to be carried out :

  1. Air law
  2. Flight performance without engine failure, including mass and balance
  3. Flight with engine failure / aerodynamic characteristics
  4. Aircraft control with engine failure, minimum safe and control airspeeds
  5. How to feather and unfeather the propeller
  6. Flight performance with engine failure
  7. Aircraft type specific - operation of systems and features, limits of airframe and systems
  8. Briefing of all exercises to be conducted

as well as 25h classroom lessons in the areas teaching methods and learning behaviour (only if no training authorisation exists).

If you are already holding one of the following training authorisations, the 25h theoretical training for teaching methods and learning behaviour can be credited :

(FI(A), CRI(A), TRI(A), SFI(A), STI(A), MCCI(H), FI(H), TRI(H), SFI(H)).


Practical training

The applicant for a multi engine single pilot class rating instructor authorisation must finish at least 5 hours of practical training with a corresponding instructor. The aim of the flight training must be to make sure that the applicant is able to train flight students who would like to acquire a multi engine single pilot class-/type rating in the safe and effective realisation of flight exercises.



After the completion of the course the applicant must pass a competence check according to Part-FCL.935 und AMC1 FCL.935.  The check usually takes place completely at the training facility.  After an oral theoretical exam a practical check flight occurs.



25 hours of Groundschool incl. 9 hours briefing of flight manouvers. Plus *25 hours of Groundschool in Learning methods and beahavior.

Practicle phase

5 hours of flight training with an instructor.


After an oral examination, an examination flight is being done.